Council, Committees, Staff

Staff Contact Information and Bios


Rev. Kathy Nolte

Lead Pastor

(708) 848-4741

Rev. Kathy Nolte has served as pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Oak Park since 2008. In January 2020 she accepted a part-time position as Assitant to the Bishop of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She has been an ordained minister since 2001, previously serving in North Aurora, IL.

Through her work at Good Shepherd, she works with Kidz Express, an after-school mentoring program in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago and is a member of the OPRF Workgroup for Positive Youth Development which seeks to reduce underage drinking in Oak Park and River Forest. Since 2004 Rev. Nolte has served as the Chair of the Companion Synod Advisory Group, which builds relationships with the Central Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa centered in SOWETO South Africa. Previously Rev. Nolte served on the Chicago chapter of Reconciling Works which seeks to create welcome within Lutheran congregations for LGBTQIA+ individuals. To augment her work in these areas she advocates for anti-racism training, LGBT rights and mental health initiatives.

Working towards restoration of Good Shepherd's building after a fire in 2018, Rev. Nolte has gained expertise in project management in church building construction. Previously Rev. Nolte served as president of the Oak Park Regional Housing Center which seeks integration through housing and as Vice President of the Community of Congregations within the Oak Park Community. She previously served as Dean of both the West Conference and the Near West Conference for the Metropolitan Chicago Synod.

As a woman who began her spiritual journey as a Roman Catholic, her ministry has an ecumenical stance and openness to others. She finds that each faith tradition has a different lens through which to catch a glimpse of the Divine One who remains veiled. Through her work she has partnered with playwright, Rohina Malik to bring stories from the Muslim tradition to her congregation and advocates for religious freedom for Muslims..


Rev. Kerstin Hedlund

Associate Pastor

(708) 848-4741

As Pastor Kathy begins a dual role at the Metropolitan Chicago Synod office and at Good Shepherd, Rev. Kerstin Hedlund is excited to serve with Good Shepherd in new ways. She will serve as a contracted part-time Associate; this will help free Pastor Kathy to more fully serve both Good Shepherd and the larger church of which we are a part.

Pastor Kerstin is currently rostered with the Greater Milwaukee Synod. She currently serves as an Army Reserve chaplain as well as a full-time student at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in the PhD program. She has been on leave from call for academics since 2015 and is grateful for an opportunity to re-engage with parish ministry in a small, but deeply fulfilling way.

Her identified areas of service at Good Shepherd are Evangelism and Young Adults. Pastor Kerstin will preach once per month and is currently scheduled for February 2nd and March 1st. The current contract term is February 1 to June 30.

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Deaconess Debbie Speer

Director of Christian Education

(708) 848-4741

The first question I am usually asked is, “What is a deaconess anyway?” The quick answer is that a Lutheran deaconess is a woman who is called, trained and set apart for service. For me, this service is lived out in a congregation setting, currently here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church as the Director of Christian Education. I did my education/formation at Valparaiso University, a year internship in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and was consecrated as a deaconess in 1999.

My ministry at Good Shepherd focuses on faith education and spiritual growth for all ages. I lead our Sunday School, Confirmation ministry and youth program, coordinate our summer Vacation Bible School, and offer support and resources to our many member-led programs. I am passionate about encouraging others in what God has called them to do and to create opportunities for mentoring between age groups.

What makes my work so great is that I get to do crafts with kids, go bowling with middle schoolers, ride horses with high schoolers and camp with college students. At the same time, I am able to talk with parents about the challenges of parenting today, explore the gift of being a woman of faith with other women, and volunteer at a food bank side by side with people of every generation. I truly love what I do!


Carl Heine

Director of Music

(708) 848-4741

Carl Heine grew up in Seattle, Washington and moved to Illinois with his wife, Pat, and their three children in the mid-80’s. Before coming to Good Shepherd, Carl served four other congregations in a variety of capacities, from organist and music director to youth and Christian education director. He has degrees in music and education, including a PhD in education from the University of Chicago. Most recently, he was the music director at St. Paul Lutheran in Wheaton, IL as well as director of entrepreneurship at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. As a musician, Carl plays an array of instruments, composes sacred choral and instrumental music and enjoys performing all periods and styles. For Carl, music is significant in the life of a congregation—as demonstrated at Good Shepherd—to the extent that it opens ears to the Word and allows voices of all ages and talents to be heard.

Kimberly Adami-Hasegawa

Office Administrator

(708) 848-4741


Jeanne Peppler

Communications Lead

(708) 848-4741


Elois Gardner

Sunday Nursery Attendant

During the 9:00 AM Sunday worship service, small children may be taken to our nursery where they are watched over by one of our caring professional attendants. Elois Gardner and Ruth Collins alternate Sunday childcare so you may worship and nourish your spirit knowing your small children are playing games, napping, doing crossword puzzles, snacking, and being entertained in a kind, caring and responsible environment.


Ruth Collins

Sunday Nursery Attendant

During the 9:00 AM Sunday worship service, small children may be taken to our nursery where they are watched over by one of our caring professional attendants. Ruth Collins and Elois Gardner alternate Sunday childcare so you may worship and nourish your spirit knowing your small children are playing games, napping, doing crossword puzzles, snacking, and being entertained in a kind, caring and responsible environment.


Council Contact Information and Bios

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Troy Koch

Church Council President

Troy Koch, along with his wife and two children, have been members of Good Shepherd since February 2011. He has served on council in various roles since 2016.  He enjoys serving the congregation on council, as part of the liturgical drama programs, and occasionally with the seasonal gospel and jazz choirs.

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William Campbell

Church Council Vice President & Personnel Chair

(708) 848-4741 

My life's purpose is connection.  I believe that we all have more in common than we do in difference. By capitalizing and leveraging our commonalities, we can live out a shared vision. I am a powerful and creative leader, Master Trainer, Coach and Learning & Development professional. I have supported people in a variety of business environments, from the manufacturing floor to the boardroom.  I'm known for being open, approachable and insightful. I am an expert at helping others establish and utilize connections in a meaningful way. I am an artist with a passion for photography, a poet's soul and a deep and sincere love affair with music.  I ride motorcycles and have no problem jumping out of a perfectly good airplane!  I believe that we are the sum of our experiences - so why not experience as much as possible! I'm fortunate enough to have the love and support of my wife, Kellie, and my three sons - Evan, Liam and Duncan, who keep me on my toes (and I wouldn't have it any other way... but don't tell them!) 

Carrie Cook

Church Council Member

Carrie Cook I joined Good Shepherd 3 years ago with my husband Carson and two children Cortez and Maxwell. My former employment as a social worker greatly informs my extensive volunteer work, with Good Shepherd, New Moms, Hephziban, Oak Park Women's Guild and others. 


Jossy Gelpi 

Church Treasurer

I have always felt God’s presence in difficult situations.  For me, trusting God is obvious.  It goes back to my childhood.  When I think about going to church, my memory goes back to when I was a little girl.  Every Sunday, my mother dressed me with a beautiful dress for going to church and I always entered holding my father’s hand. My mother was evangelical and my father was Catholic; both had very clear that God loves us all. They always were very particular on teaching me that God is looking for souls and not any particular church. They taught me that with God and faith, you will never be alone. Through the ups and downs of life, that has always been true for me.


Rose Mabwa

Church Council Member

I work with The Community Builders, a non-profit real estate developer that builds and sustains strong communities where people of all incomes can achieve their full potential. Previously, I was with Mercy Housing and ShoreBank. As a member of Good Shepherd since 2005, my areas of interest are in Social Ministry, Christian Education and music. My work with United Power for Action and Justice is in the area of housing development and criminal justice reform. 


Richard Sehl 

Church Council Secretary

Richard Sehl began attending Good Shepherd in 2016 and became a member in 2017 along with his husband, Paul Pedersen.  Richard works as a Senior Category Manager at Ulta Beauty where he leads the strategic initiatives, marketing, category financial analysis, consumer insights, and vendor relationships for the skin and specialty services category.   He also serves as the Board President for the 16th Street Theater in Berwyn.  Richard and his husband have been together for 9 years and have 4 cats (Queenie, Stevie, Prince and Blizzard).  He also enjoys quilting, crocheting, knitting, reading, and traveling (especially cruises!). 

E.J. Roginic

Church Council Member

I joined Good Shepherd in 2014 with my parents, Rich and Jane Novak, ans sisters Becca and Lauren, I am a life-long Lutheran and am currently involved in Vacation Bible School, Women's Spirituality and retreats. At Urbanest Living I wear many hats, including office manager, human resources, and product development. My husband, Nick, and I have a dog named The Dread Pirate Robers (Wesley for short). In our off hours we enjoy board games and finding new beer to enjoy.


Committee and Chair Information


Amy Dominguez 

Christian Education

(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to provide interesting and engaging ways for children and adults to nurture and strengthen their faith journeys while encouraging them to grow in faith, service and fellowship.  The committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month.  We make sure that all of our programs are running smoothly with the necessary volunteers each week.  We discuss upcoming events and how we can help make them happen.  We discuss ways to keep our programs relevant and meaningful for all participants.  We vision about what more we would like to see happen at Good Shepherd.  If you are interested in Christian Education and want to learn more, contact Amy Dominguez, chairperson, or any of the committee members.


Richard Sehl 


(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to spread the spirit and words of Christ to all men and all women; to welcome all to worship in our diverse Good Shepherd congregation; to encounter Christ in each person treating all with love, trust and respect; to nourish spiritual growth and encourage, teach and support all who witness and follow Christ's example.  The committee meets monthly at Saigon Pho. 

Laura Knitt 


(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to oversee and provide guidance for the financial life of Good Shepherd Lutheran. The committee meets once a month as scheduled. See the Good Shepherd calendar for upcoming meetings.  If you are interested in Finance and want to learn more, please send us a message using the Volunteer tab.

Gail Frost 

GS Connects

(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to organize/assist with fellowship events for the congregation to foster connections among members, visitors and our community.  The committee meets approximately once a month as scheduled.  See the Good Shepherd calendar for upcoming meetings.  If you are interested in helping make and foster connections within our church community and want to learn more, contact the new GS Connects! Chair or Pastor Kathy.

Rich Novak 


(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to support Good Shepherd by caring for our physical assets and facilitating their use by members and friends.  The Property Committee meets as scheduled.  See the Good Shepherd calendar for upcoming meetings.  If you are interested in Property and want to learn more, contact Committee Chair Rich Novak.

Florence Miller 

Social Ministry

(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to support programs bringing help to members, our community and the world, and to educate Good Shepherd members concerning justice and social welfare issues.  The Social Ministry committee meets as scheduled.  See the Good Shepherd calendar for upcoming meetings.  If you are interested in Social Ministry and want to learn more, contact either Committee Co-Chair Barb Hunt or Florence Miller.

Kellie Campbell 


(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to assist and encourage members striving for whole life stewardship, and to plan and conduct the annual Pledge Drive to assist in budgeting for ministries, programs, property maintenance, and staff payroll.   If you are interested in Stewardship and want to learn more, contact Committee Chair Kellie Campbell.

Laura Derks 

Sustainability is now Healing Our Earth

(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to connect the actions of the Good Shepherd community to the stewardship of God's creation.  We promote sustainability in every aspect of church life, and advocate and demonstrate ideas and technologies that move our community to more sustainable living.  See the Good Shepherd calendar for upcoming meetings.  If you are interested in Sustainability and want to learn more, contact Committee Chair Laura Derks.

Lynn Railsback

Worship, Music and The Arts

(708) 848-4741 

Our mission is to provide a worship experience for people of all spiritual paths so they are equipped and inspired to practice their faith throughout the week.  We stress the experience of God's love and grace in community, joy and thankfulness, comfort and consolation, provocation and challenge.  The committee meets the second Thursday of each month.  If you are interested in Worship, Music and the Arts and want to learn more, contact Committee Chair Lynn Railsback.