Jazz Prayer
Live jazz interwoven with meditations and reflections.
Jazz Prayer will be presented on the third Friday of every month September through May (except April which will be on the second Sunday due to Holy Week).
Jazz Prayer
March 21, 7:30pm (doors open at 7:10)
God's Laughter
Even in the midst of the darkness, God wants us to be filled with joy, excitement, and able to see what is beautiful. Laughter is a gift from God, one we can share with others to lighten their loads, and a way to express gratitude to our Creator. We celebrate the joy with jazz – our musicians will be The Kettle Brothers.
Jazz Prayer is a relaxing yet invigorating Friday evening experience – a perfect way to end the week and enter into the weekend. Refreshments are provided at 7:10, followed by the service at 7:30. You’ll experience live jazz from professional musicians, interwoven with thought-provoking readings and prayers selected for the evening’s theme. Children are welcome – the services are over around 8:30 so it’s not too late of an evening for children (or adults!)
Jazz Prayer Resources
Service Bulletin
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Jazz Prayer Archive
Past Service
Worship Archive
You can access all past worship services by visiting our YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe so you can be notified of new or upcoming videos that will be featured on our channel. Just click below.