Sacraments and Ceremonies
Our baptism sets us out on a lifelong journey that is characterized by our relationship to God, our relationship to our faith community, our relationships in our community and the wider world. Living our baptismal covenant means living a life of growth in the faith practices of discipleship.
Weekly communion is open to all with a choice of wine or grape juice, bread or gluten free wafers. We do this to remember the meal shared between Christ and His disciples.
At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we view membership as active participation, not just another addition to the roster. You are welcome to attend worship, take communion, and engage in ministry without official membership, except in elected positions or voting at congregational meetings. Membership classes are planned throughout the year. The main goals of our new member gatherings are to build a stronger sense of community and to help you know more about us. Classes will answer any questions you might have and help you find a place in ministry. Childcare can be provided.
The Confirmation program at Good Shepherd is for students in 7th and 8th grades. Our program focuses on serving, learning and having fun. Confirmation classes are held on Sunday mornings during the Education Hour. In addition, students attend a monthly Group Learning for more in-depth sharing and a monthly Fun or Serving Event. Students are confirmed in the fall of their freshman year.
As a Christian congregation we celebrate with couples who have found a life-long partner and wish to make a binding commitment to one another. We happily perform wedding services for all couples. Wedding preparation guidelines for all couples include three counseling sessions. Please contact us for more information and a copy of our Wedding Guidelines. For more wedding resources, visit here.
Funerals & Memorial Services
When someone dies, loved ones — family and friends, neighbors and church members — need space to grieve, to remember the deceased, and to give thanks to God for their loved one’s life. A church funeral service is an important part of the grieving process. It is our honor to hold and minister to you in this time. Please contact us for more information.