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Jazz Prayer: Resolve

In a world of great division, how do we reach beyond our walls and learn to love those we consider to be "Other?" How do we move beyond fear and distrust to see a bigger picture of unity, community, brotherhood and sisterhood? In this Jazz Prayer service we focus on healing the divide and making our small corner of the world a better place.

Jazz Prayer is a relaxing yet invigorating Friday evening experience – a perfect way to end the week and enter into the weekend. Refreshments are provided at 7:10, followed by the service at 7:30. You’ll experience live jazz from professional musicians, interwoven with thought-provoking readings and prayers selected for the evening’s theme. Children are welcome – the services are over around 8:30 so it’s not too late of an evening for children (or adults!) Far away or traveling? Join the livestream!

November 12

Daytimers to Chess Records

November 23

Narcan Training